Thursday, 10 February 2011

Mamma Mia


Amanda Seyfried, Stellan Skarsgard, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Julie Walters, Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski, Dominic Cooper

Mamma Mia is the blockbuster, big screen adaptation of the ABBA musical of the same name. It focuses on Sophie(Seyfried), who lives on an island in Greece with her mother Donna (Streep). She is about to get married to her fiance Sky(Cooper)but feels something is missing and has been missing her whole life. Her father to walk her down the aisle. She stumbles across her mothers diary that Donna kept the year she was pregnant with Sophie and finds out that she has three possible fathers..........and invites them all! Hilarity ensues.

Such a feel good film. Pretty much all the cast do a great job, apart from Dominic Cooper, who in my opinion, couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. Pierce Brosnon can't sing for toffee but it doesn't matter, he is a likeable character. Meryl Streep defies her age and runs about like a woman of 30! Christine Baranski and Julie Walters are a great double act and "Chiquitita" is absolutly hilarious. Amanda Seyfried can come across as very annoying and childish but i guess that is the point of the story (if you have seen the end you know what i mean) Colin Firth, well i can't say much without giving away a little of his character but seeing him play something else apart from the noble englishman is a breath of fresh air.....Stellan Skarsgard, i had never seen before this film but he is really good. Gruff and rough round the edges.......

The music is of course fabulous (if you like ABBA) and you will be up dancing and singing in no time. The scenery is beautiful and works so well with the story.

Only bad point for me is Dominic Cooper....sorry mate but you can't act....nice body tho!


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